Sympozja IGWT
21st IGWT Symposium, “Sustainability, Quality and Innovation: A Global View of Commodity Sciences”, Rome and Gaeta, September 20th to the 25th, 2018.
20 Sympozjum IGWT "COMMODITY SCIENCE IN A CHANGING WORLD, Varna, 12-16.09. 2016
18 Sympozjum IGWT “Technology and Innovation for a Sustainable Future: a Commodity Science Perspective” w Rzymie, 24-28.09.2012
17 Sympozjum IGWT „Facing the Chalanges of the Future: Excellence in Business and Commodity Science” w Bukareszcie, 21-25.09.2010
16 Sympozjum IGWT „Achieving Commodity & Scince Excellence in the Age of Digital Convergence”, w Suwon k. Seulu, 18-22.08.2008
15 Sympozjum IGWT "Global Safety of Commodieties and Environment. Quality of Life", Kijów, 12-17.09. 2006
14 Sympozjum IGWT "Focusing new Century : Commodity - Trade - Environment", Pekin, 24-28.08.2003
13 Sympozjum IGWT "Commodity Science in Global Quality Perspective, Maribor, 2-8.09.2001